Ultimate Scalability
and Flexibility.

The modular architecture of EndaceProbes lets you stack, group and interconnect estates of tens, hundreds or thousands of EndaceProbes to suit your needs. We call this architecture, EndaceFabric.
EndaceFabric lets you create a network-wide recording and hosting fabric that can scale for the largest global networks, monitor high-speed links of 100GbE and beyond, and provide petabytes of storage capacity. Need more speed, storage capacity or hosting capability? Simply deploy additional EndaceProbes seamlessly into your fabric.
Read more about EndaceFabric scalability in our Distributing and Stacking EndaceProbes with EndaceFabric solution brief.
See it in Action
In this short demonstration, Endace's VP Product Management, Cary Wright, demonstrates how InvestigationManager delivers lightning-fast, centralized search and data-mining across a network-wide fabric of connected EndaceProbes and petabytes of recorded packet history.
Cary shows how the EndaceFabric architecture can seamlessly scale to accommodate faster link speeds and deeper storage requirements without compromising fast search speeds.
Key Components of EndaceFabric
The EndaceFabric architecture consists of three main components:
Multiple EndaceProbe™ Analytics Platforms deployed on a LAN or WAN network to record network traffic and host analytics applications.
Centralized Search and datamining
InvestigationManager virtual machines provide network-wide packet search and data-mining. Configure as many instances as you need to suit your needs
Centralized Management
EndaceCMS Central Management Servers provide centralized management of EndaceProbes deployed on the network.
The EndaceProbe Analytics Platform
EndaceProbes are scalable, high-speed, Analytics Platforms that provide 100% accurate packet capture and can also host a wide range of security and performance analytics applications from our Fusion Partners, or open-source tools.
They offer maximum storage depth at minimum rack space with a range of deployment options suited from the core to the edge of the network, from 10Mbps to 100Gbps and beyond.

EndaceCMS Central Management Server
The EndaceCMS™ Central Management Server provides powerful, centralized command and control for a connected fabric of Endace appliances, reducing management overhead and lowering operational costs.
Powered by OSm, the security-hardened OS, which powers all Endace appliances, EndaceCMS lets you manage all Endace elements – physical or virtual – that are part of the EndaceFabric.
EndaceCMS provides health and performance monitoring, configuration management and upgrade management (groups, profiles, scheduled updates).

InvestigationManager™ is a virtual machine application that lets analysts conduct network-wide investigations and searches across an entire EndaceFabric, or a group of EndaceProbes, to quickly find the packets they need.
At the heart of InvestigationManager is EndaceVisionTM, a browser-based investigation tool that lets analysts select data sources from multiple EndaceProbes and analyze recorded traffic from all these sources simultaneously.
Due to the distributed, parallel nature of the EndaceFabric architecture, searches can be conducted across multiple EndaceProbes and petabytes of data, incredibly quickly - dramatically improving analyst productivity.
Customers can deploy as many instances of InvestigationManager as they need to support simultaneous data mining and facilitate investigations for multiple concurrent users.