Packet Capture integration with IDS Monitoring Tools
Speed up threat investigation
Properly implemented, Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) can be invaluable in detecting attacks that make it past initial defenses. One of the issues with Intrusion Detection Systems, however, is that they tend to throw up lots of alerts, not all of which represent real threats.
Distinguishing between real threats and "False Positives" can often be challenging and time-consuming for security teams already struggling under a deluge of alerts.
With Network History integrated with their IDS, analysts can go from an alert to the related packet-level forensic detail in a single click, dramatically speeding the investigation of threats and, more importantly, enabling definitive conclusions.
Connecting IDS tools to Network History allows analysts to access the actual packets relating to an alert and quickly determine whether the threat is real, or a false positive. This speeds investigations , enabling analysts to triage events more quickly and identify the threats that require further investigation.
It is also invaluable in allowing analysts to tune detection rules to make their IDS tool more accurate.
Evidence integrated into your tools
Endace's Fusion Partner Program brings together solutions from leading security and performance analytics vendors which leverage the EndaceProbe's Application Dock hosting, and workflow APIs, to integrate Network History into their applications.
With accurate Network History integrated into their IDS monitoring tools, SecOps teams have concrete evidence at their fingertips. This accelerates the investigation and resolution of security threats and allows teams to distinguish between real threats and false positives quickly and confidently.

Want to know more?
Integrating always-on packet capture into your security and performance monitoring tools gives you definitive evidence at your fingertips.
Find out just how fast and accurate your investigations can be.