Endace Announces EndaceFabric for Network-Wide Packet Recording, Data-Mining and Cybersecurity Investigation

Auckland, New Zealand — July 20, 2017 — Endace, a world leader in high-speed network recording and network history playback, today announced the release of EndaceFabricTM, a centrally-managed, network-wide packet capture and recording fabric. EndaceFabric gives network security and network operations teams (NetOps and SecOps) the definitive, packet-level evidence they need to rapidly investigate, and respond with certainty to, cybersecurity threats and network or application performance issues.

EndaceFabric seamlessly connects multiple EndaceProbeTM Network Analytics Platforms into a recording fabric that can be centrally managed using EndaceCMSTM Central Management Server.

It includes powerful investigation tools that enable analysts to quickly find and retrieve the network history they need for investigations:

  • EndaceConsoleTM is a one click data-mining application that lets analysts quickly search the network history stored across the EndaceFabric and download or archive packet capture files to SAN or NAS storage.
  • EndaceVisionTM is a built-in, browser-based tool that let analysts search, visualize and analyze network history on multiple EndaceProbes simultaneously.

“Managing accurate recording of petabytes of network history and making it searchable across the network is a big technical challenge. It becomes even more difficult as network speeds increase and networks become more distributed,” says Cary Wright, VP Product Management at Endace. “With the release of OSm 6.3, the operating system that powers all Endace systems, EndaceFabric addresses that challenge by providing a distributed, centrally-managed recording infrastructure that can be deployed across the entire network at scale.”

EndaceFabric’s one-click search lets analysts quickly locate, retrieve and analyze packets of interest from petabytes of recorded network history distributed across the EndaceProbes in the fabric. This streamlines investigation workflows, and eases the burden on NOC and SOC teams which are under pressure to investigate and resolve the exponentially increasing number of critical alerts they receive each day.

API integration provides tight integration of EndaceFabric’s Network History with security and performance monitoring tools from Endace partners such as Cisco, Dynatrace, Splunk and Plixer. Analysts can click on alerts in these tools and jump straight to the related packet-level history to see exactly what’s happened.

Endace will be launching the new EndaceFabric, and demonstrating how network history can be integrated with partner analytics solutions, at booth #466 at Black Hat in Las Vegas next week.